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Qualiton A75 Review Posi+ive Feedback
What It Is
The Qualiton A75 is a single chassis integrated amplifier from Hungary, it weighs in at 21kg. Its four KT 120s provide 75-watts. For those with a collection of tubes, your KT88s, KT150s, and KT170s are all compatible, though they all produce the same 75-watts, per Audio Hungary. The tubes are auto biased, so your maintenance, if any, will be quite limited. After 5,000 hours, maybe you’ll have to replace some tubes. Of course, random tube failure might occur. A quad of KT120s will run about $520, or about $130 each.
The input tubes consist of four 12AT7s and two 12AX7’s. Four 12AT7s might run you as little as $20 each, or for four for $80. Depending on what 12AX7s you purchase, that could also be $20 each, but the sky is the limit on 12AX7s—yes, tube rolling revealed worthwhile differences. All of the tube input and output sockets were very solidly seated, so that inserting or removing tubes yielded no sense of the sockets rocking back and forth as they often do.