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Tellurium Q Statement II Bi-Wire/Jumper/Links
1.100,00 €
Designed specifically to complement the Statement Speaker cable to fully unlock your speakers potential the Statement way.
Supplied as a pair for two speakers.
Length: 30cm
Available on backorder
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Tellurium Q Statement II Bi-Wire/Jumper/Links
Designed specifically to complement the Statement Speaker cable to fully unlock your speakers potential the Statement way.
The Statement cables have been Awarded by…

“I mentioned cymbal taps. Here, such taps are not just sharp sounds but they have a body and a presence. There’s a beginning, a middle and an end to such sounds which is enhanced with a super midrange clarity. When the same cymbal is hit slightly harder, you can then hear a slight increase in the reverb emanating from the same. That’s all well and good during a drum solo, for example, but when when all of this is occurring right at the back of the soundstage, behind the duet vocals, the bass and most of the orchestra and that detail is easily tracked by the ear, you know you’re listening to something a bit special. “
– Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man
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– Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man
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“But beware; once you hear what Tellurium Q is capable of you won’t forget the experience in a hurry”.
– Hi Fi Plus Awards edition
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“So far, nothing we’ve yet tried preserves the integrity of the signal [more] than the Statement Phono from Tellurium Q.”
– Tone Audio Magazine
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“A clean and accurate sound that allowed you to hear into the depths of a mix with an apparent lowering of the noise floor.”
– HiFi Pig Pick of 2023
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“Although by no means a newcomer, Tellurium Q’s chief engineer Geoff Merrigan continues to work his magic trick of improving upon that which had previously seemed beyond criticism. The top of the range Statement series of cables has garnered a fistful awards both here in the UK and around the audio world. I was able to compare those original Statement interconnects in both RCA and XLR configurations with the next-generation mkII versions, and was taken aback at the overall improvement in sound quality that I witnessed. More of everything came through the loudspeakers: airier treble, punchier bass of course but above all more of what we are all pursuing in this hobby, pure musical pleasure.”
– The Ear Best of 2023
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“Statement seems an appropriate name as they set a standard for others to follow”
– HiFi World, Awards edition
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“Detail was impressive. Cymbal taps offered body and a presence with a beginning middle and an end. I could hear effort and pressure, Bringing a sense of realism that was impressive”
– HiFi World
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“We have had nothing but fantastic luck with every Tellurium Q Product we have used… …. Tellurium Q stuff is the real deal, and their power cord has the same effect as their signal cable.”
– Tone Audio
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“Detail was impressive. Cymbal taps offered body and a presence with a beginning middle and an end. I could hear effort and pressure, Bringing a sense of realism that was impressive”
– HiFi World
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“The Statements stand alone….The Statements rewrite the book for cables and, at this very moment, as I write this review, completely stand alone in the market. In sonic terms, the Statement cables are breathtaking”
– Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man
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“I never thought I would ever hear cables superior to the original Statement cables from Tellurium Q but hey, here they are, lying on my floor. The Statement IIs move onwards from the originals but they do so in a progressive manner. They don’t just tweak or nudge the sound quality on by a degree or two, the improvements are noteworthy enough to warrant that Mk.II label. The extra focus and clarity, the improved midrange insight, the enhanced bass power and more.
It’s as if the Statements offer a wider data path to allow more information to be transferred. It’s like most HiFi cabling is 32bit but the Statements are 64bit.”
– Paul Rigby, Theaudiophileman
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“One of those OMG moments !…. Every now and again we try a new bit of kit to see if we can improve on our already capable top end system. Little by little we push the bar higher, but every now and then something very significant comes along. KOG audio told us about a new Tellurium Q cable that goes from the DIN output socket on a record deck to a couple of RCA (Phono) plugs. Part of their Statement range, at an eye watering £3600, we thought we’d try one to see if it justified its price tag. Plugging it into our smart new Technics SL1000R direct drive record deck (not to be confused by previous models of the SP10 / SL1000 – this is a whole new ball game), via a Lehmann Audio Decade pre-amp, into the 500 series Naim system with the gorgeous Focal Scala Utopia speakers. It took about 5 seconds to realise it had transformed the whole system into something so special, I haven’t heard anything as good, anywhere, at any time, for any price !”
– HiFi Cinema
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“Tellurium Q Statement cables managed to forge extreme transparency with the unprecedented organic flow…. With any high-end audio cable, one can be too quickly trickled into the phenomena of an initial emotional impression impact. This is still sadly associated with too many high-end audio cables on the market. In reality, this tricky-exuberant effect starts to echo off almost as instantly as it was introduced in the first place. Tellurium Q Statements differs by far in this regard. There is no after effect, no aural morphing, no big waving of emotional impressions. Just a steadily verisimilitude! Tellurium Q Statements deliver the authority, sonic VR alike holographic nature, captivating relief soundstage structure, pinpointed three-dimensionality and finely micro/macro dynamics. All that in the absence of the sonic smear, subtle distortion and with the high definition amount of acoustical focus points!? Yes Tellurium Q Statements truly deliver an extreme resolution without introducing the clinical and analytical momentum too often associated even with the most exotic top tiers… Their stand out, extraordinary performance are more than worthy of the 2019 Editor Choice Award!”
– Mono & Stereo
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“Cables that make a difference … and how!” “We are in front of a range of absolutely thrilling cables that, although not within reach of everybody, are far from the exorbitant prices that you can find in the High End audio universe, and show a sweeping sonic personality that puts them in place to revitalize absolute reference systems.” “… the Statement Loudspeaker cable, dazzled us by the almost surgical presentation of the sound scene, with simply amazing depth.” “Even more surprising are the line interconnect cables, that with particularly demanding recordings, impress by the degree of cleanliness” of voices and instruments.”
– Tu Alta Fidelidad

“The results will amaze you”
– TONE Audio Awards Edition
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“These set a new standard that out performs all other cables we’ve heard”
– HiFi World
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“Finally I plugged in the mains cable to the Creek amplifier. I wasn’t expecting a huge difference but the change was rather stark. “Way Down In The Hole” became larger and more substantial in its presentation. “Bizarre Love Triangle” was more vibrant. I could hear little notes that had previously escaped me and was delighted at just how much more the music seemed to flow effortlessly through the system. These set a new standard that out performs all other cables we’ve heard”
– HiFi World
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“I also love the dynamics that Statement delivers, even compared to similar beefy cables…..This is a telling piece and not an easy one to deliver in a domestic setting but with this cable it became realistic and totally compelling. At the other end of the scale, the quieter end, this cable is exceptionally good at pulling out the details that make a singer or instrument palpably real. I could rave on about this extraordinary cable but realise that at this price you won’t believe me: the only way to find out is to listen for yourself. But beware; once you hear what Tellurium Q is capable of you won’t forget the experience in a hurry. You have been warned!”
– HiFi Plus
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“Tellurium Q Statements are no usual cable affair and if I’ve called the Silver Diamonds an Emotional Tour de Force what are then the Tellurium Q Statements!? Well, they certainly transcend any typical labeling and this time I’m elevating them on the throne, that they clearly deserve. Their stand out, extraordinary performance can only be recognized with the 2018 Editor Choice Award!”
– Mono & Stereo
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“…you will also appreciate its dynamics. It is a rich, internally high-quality sound that requires familiarity with live music and high quality systems. Silver Diamond is a great cable, but Statement is much better in every respect. Together, however, they give something more, which will appeal to any kind of music, They give fullness, energy and richness of emotions.“
– HiFidelity.Pl
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“It was at this point I started to consider the magnitude of the achievement by Tellurium Q, they have developed a cable range that is the best I have heard so far, by far, actually very far.”
– Pursuit Perfect System

“Tellurium Q cables have found their way onto the market and into the homes of some of the world’s most discerning customers for several reasons. First and foremost, they take music to realms that were not possible at their price point. There is also a particular silver lining that connects the
For the MK2 version of the Tellurium Q statement cables, Merrigan and the team have been working in secret, meticulously researching and developing the new iteration of their multi-award-winning flagship cables. Tellurium Q is relatively modest in detail about the improved cable versions and rather lets the products speak for themselves and showcase what the new Statement line is capable of.”
– Mono & Stereo
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“There is still that sense of naturalness to the sound as with the Statement 1s, but even more so in some way…can something be “more natural”, I don’t know and perhaps my choice of words is not correct. Perhaps a better way of describing the sound is from a sensory/reactionary aspect and what I would say is that the Statement 2s allow you to fall into the musical performance more easily and more rapidly than with the 1s. There’s a sound at 1 minute 37 seconds on I’m Always Touched By Presence that was much more apparent with the 2s than it was with the 1s.
The handful of words I would use to describe the Statement 2 cables from Tellurium Q is more detailed than the originals but without that detail being pushed down your throat, but with the same speed and sense of rightness..”
– HiFi Pig
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