Origin Live Swift Turntable

SKU: 32379 Category: Availability: Within 10 working days


The High End Origin Live Swift Turntable offers exceptional sound quality at a great price through advanced engineering. Key features include a Mk5 Motor Power Supply for stability, high-grade DC100 Motor, ultra-low friction bearing, and a multi-layer platter that minimizes resonance. You get the most musicality out of the multi-layer platter which is a game changer and the most important part. The unique suspension system and high specification sub-chassis enhance pitch, rhythm, and imaging, providing a refined and dynamic listening experience. This turntable exemplifies the pinnacle of vinyl playback, making it an essential investment for audiophiles seeking superior performance.

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Origin Live Swift Turntable


Mk5 Motor Power Supply

The Mk5 Motor Power Supply introduces a new PCB in the PSU on all decks offering even more speed stability and improved sonic performance than the former Light Speed Controller. Common problems like speed drift, motor jitter and cogging are avoided. Speed settings for 33.33 and 45 RPM are operated through one knob with no need for belt/platter change.

DC100 Motor

These high-grade Swiss motors demonstrate the powerful, smooth-running needed in a good turntable motor. Ironless cores eliminate eddy currents which result in low “clogging”, low vibration and speed stability. Motors are decoupled to minimize vibration and reduce audible noise.


The Origin Live Swift’s belt is manufactured in house using special material which increases grip and reduces stretch under instantaneous loading, using a unique material which dramatically improves on widely used neoprene rubber – benefits include increased dynamics and deeper bass performance.

Swift Turntable Motor Power Supply
Swift Turntable Side View

Multi Layer Platter

The Multi Layer Platter (MLP) is trickle down tech from our flagship Voyager turntable, featuring an intricately designed top with over 1000 individual slots laser cut through the top layer. Combined with another composite layer underneath and carefully screwed on to the acrylic platter. The MLP layers work to diffuse surface resonance in the platter through vibrational interference, resulting in a texture in the music which is freed up from resonant artifacts.

High Specification Power Supply

Carefully selected cables from premium suppliers are attached to motor circuitry that is designed to ensure the motor, the platter and your vinyl are running smoothly on a consistent power supply.

Standard Armboard

Our standard armboard provides premium performance for the price point. Decoupled from the rest of the turntable, the armboard is balanced in equilibrium with the platter and bearing house.


A well researched special plastic pulley enables maximum belt grip, resulting in increased definition and dynamics over.

Ultra-low Friction Bearing

Made in house, the new MK4 bearing of the Origin Live Swift has ultra low levels of vibration. The spindle rotates on a Tungsten carbide ball bearing centered on a hardened thrust pad for low friction and long life. Low bearing friction is essential to avoid vibration. Unlike decks which “float” the platter using air or magnetic bearings, we believe “earthing” the energy out of the platter is essential for sound purity.

High Specification Sub-Chassis

The sub-chassis plate balances the armboard with the platter and bearing house, decoupling both from the turntable plinth. Its mass heavy design also helps to effectively damp vibration travelling through the armboard and platter.

Swift Turntable Middle top


Our unique suspension avoids both the softening of leading edges often found in suspended designs and the hardness in many non-suspended designs. The results are:

  • Superior pitch, rhythm, and timing
  • Rock-solid imaging
  • Reduced colouration
  • Refined presentation of low-level information
  • Easy to follow separation in the music and vocals

High Performance Turntables Produce the Ultimate Sound Quality

The record player still reigns supreme in terms of performance. Experts agree that leading turntables provide a more satisfying musical experience than any digital counterparts. Unlike digital streaming & CD, there seems no limitation on the musical information that turntables can extract from vinyl. In recent years, advances in some turntables have caused the gulf between digital performance and vinyl to widen even further. Origin Live draws together many long-established principles of high-end turntable design, along with advanced innovations, to reveal just how much the vinyl medium is capable of.

Why invest in a quality turntable?

If you are unfamiliar with Hi-Fi you may be unaware of the major sound quality differences between one turntable and another. There are over 800 different decks on the market. Faced with such a colossal choice, many buyers take the shortcut and assume “if it looks good, and has a good review, it must be good”. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. To its credit, the Hi-Fi press has long extolled the importance of a good turntable for high sound quality. If the source signal is degraded in the first place, everything else in the Hi-Fi Chain can only exaggerate the problem. It is important to choose your turntable based on its sound quality, which comes from its engineering and design.

Here at Origin Live, we make almost all of our components in our own workshop in the UK, this means we are in total control of the materials, quality control, and design of our products. You won’t find any chipboard, plywood, or flimsy components in these turntables. Using mass effective design in our bearing houses, plinths, arm boards and platters, all possible areas where jitter and vibration can be removed have been carefully considered. Through relentless development, we have selected materials that produce the natural, uninhibited tone from your vinyl.

Turntable Differences Are Greater Than Any Other Item Of Hi-Fi Equipment

CD players sound different to one another, but not a lot in comparison to turntables. Turntables have more influence on the sound of a system than almost any other item of Hi-Fi equipment and the differences between them are massive. A better turntable will improve the clarity, dynamics and ability to follow every strand of the music plus other aspects too numerous to mention. Gone is blurred, woolly bass and general confusion in the sound. Better turntables also have increased pitch stability adding a sense of sub-conscious sense of rhythm, security and confidence to your listening experience.

Rewards Of Higher Investment

A cheap £165 turntable will fall well short of CD performance, whereas a good £1500 turntable should outperform CD. The pursuit of the ultimate sound goes well beyond CD quality however. Turntables can improve a lot further with the right choices in equipment, and often this involves higher investment.

No one could blame you for being sceptical that a truly high-performance turntable is worth the investment. It’s usually only by hearing a direct comparison between two similar-looking decks, that the penny drops. The difference in musical cohesion, dynamics and ability to follow music effortlessly is simply jaw-dropping. It leaves one wondering how such massive differences can possibly exist when outward appearances can look so similar. Usually, this is down to materials, design and engineering. We explain further in our article: what makes the best turntable.

The conclusion is that it’s worth hearing turntable differences so you know what’s possible in terms of sound quality.


Features of Origin Live Turntables

TURNTABLE Aurora Calypso Resolution Sovereign Voyager
Multi-layer Platter
No No No Yes Yes
High Performance Armboard No No Yes Yes Yes
DC100 DC100 DC100 DC100 DC100 x 2
Sub-Chassis Inertia Disc No Yes Yes No No
Heavyweight Plinth
No No No Yes Yes
Maximum Decouping on Main Bearing
No No Yes Yes Yes
“Footprint” of deck & Minimum Dimensions of Support Surface (cm) (WxD) 40 x 29 40 x 29 40 x 29 40 x 29 40 x 37
Overall Size with 9.5 inch arm see top line (cm) (Width x Depth x Height)
For 12 inch arms use lower line
Weight (kg) 10.3 11.5 12.1 28.4
Shipping Dimensions (cm) (Width x Depth x Height)
60 x 45 x 16 60 x 45 x 16 60 x 45 x 16 60 x 50 x 30
Weight Packaged (kg) (Width x Depth x Height)
12 13.3 13.9 32



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