Category Audiophile News

AudioSolutions Virtuoso M Speakers Review

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AudioSolutions Virtuoso M speakers review The last speaker of Audiosolutions I reviewed was Figaro M. You can read the full review here. The M story continues with the latest loudspeaker, which was added to the manufacturer’s portfolio last year. As always…

AudioSolutions Figaro L Loudspeaker

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I can tell you exactly what was playing at the moment I concluded that the AudioSolutions Figaro L was a great loudspeaker, and it might surprise you. It surprised me. Mostly, I use classical music to assess audio gear, less…

New Fezz Audio Lybra 300B Integrated Amplifier

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New Fezz Audio Lybra 300B Integrated amplifier. Ο Νέος ολοκληρωμένος ενισχυτής της Fezz Audio ακούει στο όνομα Lybra. Ένα κύκλωμα σε διάταξη παράλληλο single ended με λυχνίες εξόδου την βασίλισσα των λυχνιών 300B. 15 Watt σε καθαρή τάξη Α είναι…

QUALITON A50i Review by High Fidelity PL

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The privatization of large companies from behind the Iron Curtain producing audiovisual equipment did not have a common denominator, except that it was fast and required in-depth changes in the employment structure, thinking about the market and defining its place…
