Tag KT120

New & Hot Audiophile Products at Chameleon Audio!

phasemation chameleon news 2021 a

Qualiton Classic X200. Audio Hungary’s new KT-based integrated with phono-stage & headphone preamplifiers. The latest wiring models from Tellurium Q and amplifiers from Audio Hungary are waiting for you at the Chameleon Audio Showroom. The amplifier pictured above and below…

Audio Hungary QUALITON A20i Greek Review

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Audio Hungary A20i Class A Integrated Amplifier An appropriate sense of musical flow and class A sonics ! Το 2017, η εταιρία Chameleon Audio ανακοίνωσε και παρουσίασε για πρώτη φορά στην χώρα μας και ταυτοχρόνως στο hiendnews.gr το brand της…

Audio Hungary, GET ready to own one!

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Haris Alexiou – “Nefelis Tango” started with a classical guitar, as if I were on Mykonos and the waves were spraying fresh water on my face, I immediately taken to the first time I had heard this piece being played.…
