Category Audiophile News

Glanz Tonearms Part Time Audiophile Award

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Sure, that’s a lot of money for just a tonearm. But this Japanese design answered our question about these types of lofty designs: “How can perfection be made any better?” Coated with DLC (Diamond-like Carbon), the Glanz achieves new levels…


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Δυο από τα σημαντικότερα βραβεία του περιοδικού απέσπασε ο Νέος ολοκληρωμένος Qualiton X200.   Ένας ενισχυτής με δύναμη χροιά και φινέτσα. Μπορεί να οδηγήσει πραγματικά ότι ηχείο κυκλοφορεί στην αγορά. Well done Audio-Hungary Περισσοτερες πληροφορίες και ολοκληρωμένο review εδώ.…

Tellurium Q Double Queen’s Award For Enterprise

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Η Tellurium Q απεσπασε για δευτερη φορα μεσα σε 3 χρονια την μεγαλυτερη διακριση που μπορει να παρει ενας Αγγλος κατασκευαστης Queen’s Award For Enterprise.   Σιγουρα δεν περιμεναμε τιποτε λιγοτερο απο μια εταιρεια αυτου του ηθους και με τοσες…

Origin Live Cartridge Enabler Review

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Just about every vinylista knows the importance of tightening up their cartridge fixing screws so the pickup is firmly bolted to the headshell. Going from a firm fixing to one that’s really tight results in a noticeable increase in focus,…

Tellurium Q Blue II Review

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Tellurium Q cables are visiting me for the second time. Some time ago, the flagship Black Diamond speaker cable amazed me with its properties. The company is based in Somerton (Somerset County), in southwest England. It is headed by Geoff…

Canary Audio M350 Monoblocks Review

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I’ve reviewed many tube amplifiers from SET to Push-Pull in the past several years using various types of output tubes. I’ve reviewed everything from the legendary Audio Note Kondo Ongaku amplifier to a more approachable and great-sounding Decware Zen Mystery…
